Creative Arts – Ignition Workshop

We were delighted to host an Ignition workshop at college last week as students from year 12 and 13 Performing Arts and BTEC Sport took part in the workshop lead by ex-student Perry Johnson. Ignition are a National Physical Theatre Company specializing in creating movement work with young male performers, they are an off shoot of the infamous Frantic Assembly (who created Curious incident of the Dog in the Night time for the National Theatre). Their work is high octane and urgent with an emphasis on strength and fitness. The young men in the work shop worked very hard and within two hours were creating difficult physical responses to music and each other. Students said

‘Everyone got really involved, I didn’t feel nervous and it was really great to work with new people’

‘It was great fun to explore a medium that I hadn’t done before and brilliant to try it in an environment where everyone was on a level’

‘Immense – just brilliant’

‘Id forgotten how good things like that are!’

We are looking forward to further work with the Theatre Royal and their connected companies as our partnership grows.