Opportunities in Drama

Studio Sessions:
Starting 15th October: Acting for Shakespeare with Natasha Buckley (RSC) Suitable for year 9 – 13, 8 week course Thursday 4.15 – 6.30 (£10). Please see Mrs Pearson for further details

Coming soon:
Blood Brothers actors workshop
Stage Combat
Stag makeup

LAMDA ( London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art):
Gain qualifications and experience in Public Speaking , Speaking of Verse and Prose, Acting or Mime qualifications with Vanessa McCarty in small group lessons. Suitable for all years – please see Mrs Pearson for a letter

Break dance workshop

A small group of year 7 and 8 students had the chance to participate in a breakdance workshop at the college. Matt Macklin, a professional breakdancer taught the group for the whole day. They learnt a range of skills, learnt dance movement and even got to choreograph their own routine!

These guys were dancing for 5 hours! They were so well behaved and focussed and I am proud of them all. They also performed in the dance showcase which was fantastic. We are hoping to bring Matt in again next year!

Well done!
Miss Giles


Dance Showcase

On Monday 29th June over 60 pupils performed in the Dance showcase and Transition event. They performed dances choreographed by Miss Giles and some even performed their own work. Students participating were from year 7 up to year 10.

There were also pictures of pupils from all the local primary schools who Miss Giles has worked with over the past year. They all performed beautifully and the audience thoroughly enjoyed it. Big thank you to Sacha Hughes and Sabrina Parker for helping at dance club.

Well done to you all

Miss Giles

Dance leaders day

On Monday 6th July year 10 dance students went to teach at Mary Tavy primary school as part of their dance leaders assessment. They all had to teach a particular age group ranging from reception to year 6.

I was blown away by the talent this group have. Not only are they amazing dancers, their teaching skills were brilliant. They were so professional and had such a positive attitude to the pupils.

They should all be really proud. They will all receive a qualification from this which is fantastic.

Miss Giles

Callington Dance Festival

On Wednesday 15th October, Year 10 GCSE Dance Students Participated in the annual ‘Callington Dance Festival’ with four other local schools. Students participated in a number of workshops which developed their technique, contact and choreographic skills. As well as this, the students also performed their own, choreographed, group piece ‘Mayhem’, which we have been choreographing in lessons.

Students said the Festival was a great experience because, ‘We got to learn and improve our dance technique’ and ‘it will really help me to achieve a better grade in GCSE as I learnt a lot’.

Miss Giles, Dance Teacher, said: “Their performance was fantastic! They should be really proud of their achievements and I am very lucky to have such a fantastic and talented class.”