We recognise that all staff and governors have a full and active part to play in protecting our students from harm, and that the welfare of the children is our paramount concern. All staff believe that our school should provide a caring, positive, safe and stimulating environment that promotes the social, physical and moral development of the individual child.
Safeguarding Leads
The Designated Safeguarding Lead for Tavistock College is Hazel Blackmore – h.blackmore@dmatschools.org.uk
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads
Jack Brokenshire – j.brokenshire@dmatschools.org.uk
Rachel Turner – r.turner@dmatschools.org.uk
Need to talk?
Ways to report any incidents or concerns for yourself or on behalf of someone else
Complete a student statement form
Speak to a trusted member of staff
Email needtotalk@tavistockcollege.org
Complete the google form: https://forms.gle/AXw4UTiMEWcyhPoS9
- Sexting advice for young people parents and carers
- NSPCC Helpline poster
- Realistic ideas and advice for parents of older teenagers
- Digital Safety during COVID-19
- Guidance for safer working practice for those working with children and young people in education settings - Addendum April 2020
- The Slang Dictionary
- The Emoji Dictionary
- Safeguarding & Child Protection Awareness Raising Training - July 2018
- SelfieCop
- Internet Safety advice for parents
- Parent Forum V2 2017
- Young People's Mental Health Resource Pack
- Early Help Leaflet
- Sextortion blocking guide
- CSE Parent Guidance
- CSE Presentation
- Money Mules Parents Letter
- Cyber Bullying Flyer
- Radicalisation Poster
- Giving parents the tools toolkit
- Staying Safe this Summer
- Rainbows Bereavement Team
- Rainbows Flyer for Parents/Carers