Rachel Turner
Director of SEND / SENDCo
T: 01822 614 231
E: send@dmatschools.org.uk
Inclusion at the heart of all we do
At Tavistock College, we are committed to ensuring that inclusion is at the heart of all that we do. This means that all students, regardless of their background, ability or Special Educational Needs and / or Disabilities will be able to: take part in all aspects of school life, make academic progress and also gain the cultural capital that they need to succeed.
We ensure that:
- Language and skills are built to ensure that our culture is one where all staff are confident in being leaders of SEND
- We offer an ambitious curriculum which is broad and balanced
- High Quality Teaching is used across the College as part of our universal provision
- There is a focus on scaffolding being used in all classrooms to ensure that the needs of all students are met
- There is regular CPD for staff so that teachers are building their knowledge and skills base to support learners with varying SEND needs in the classroom
- We are analytical in our systems, processes and information sources to ensure that our graduated response identifies, assesses and meets the needs of students with SEND
- We collaborate with all stakeholders that are involved with a student with SEND, including:
- Parents / carers
- The Local Stakeholder Board
- Outside professionals
- We have a varied intervention programme which allows students with SEND to receive the support that they need, both in, and outside of the classroom
The Team
- Rachel Turner – Director of SEND
- Sophie Champion – SENDCo
- Julie Edwards – Assistant SENDCo (Years 8 & 9)
- Sandy T. – Assistant SENDCo (Years 7, 12 & 13)
- Sam Biggs – Assistant SENDCo (Years 10 & 11)
Contact us
Please contact the team via phone or email. If we are not available, someone will get back to you as soon as possible.
Phone: 01822 614231
Email: send@tavistockcollege.org
External links
Devon County Council:
Further information and guidance is available through the Devon County Council website, www.devon.gov.uk/send. This website sets out the support available for children and young people with SEND who have an Education Health and Care Plan, those that are classed as SEN Support and those who may not yet be identified as having an SEND need.
Devon Information Advice and Support:
If you require further advice and support for your child around Special Educational Needs and / or Disabilities (SEND), please contact Devon Information Advice and Support (DiAS) who are an organisation that supports young people and their parents / carers. This service offers legally-based and accessible information that is impartial and confidential. To find out further information, please visit https://devonias.org.uk
The Special Educational Needs Disability Code of Practice 2014:
The SEND Code of Practice is a statutory document that outlines the duties of local authorities, health bodies, schools and colleges to provide for those with special educational needs under part 3 of the Children and Families Act 2014. The following link will take you to this document: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/send-code-of-practice-0-to-25
The Local Offer
Please follow the link below to Devon’s SEND Local Offer. Devon County Council want to make it as easy as possible for families to find all the information they need about the services that are available in their area.