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Tavistock College - Together: we care, we challenge, we excel

Mental Health

Mental Health Useful Contacts

Devon Integrated Children’s Services .(ICS): School staff and parents are encouraged to access the ICS Single Point of Access by phone (0330 024 5321) or look on the website (www.devon.integratedchildrensservices.co.uk) for any queries regarding the services, or referrals.

Directory of Devon services and organisations: This is a directory of Devon services and organisations supporting children and families (www.pinpointdevon.co.uk).

Support for feelings around suicide

Papyrus– Prevention of Young suicide- including ‘how can I get help?’ and a helpline. (www.papyrus-uk.org)

Hector’s House – Suicide support, links and advice, signposting for helplines, with a particular focus on supporting young men. (www.hectorshouse.org.uk)

Heads Together– promoting the benefits of talking about difficult thoughts and feelings as well a lots of other Mental Health resources. (www.headstogether.org.uk).

Building Self-esteem and Confidence;

Dove Self-Esteem Project – Confident Me, a set of free, evidence-based resources for teachers and schools to run body confidence workshops, aimed at 11-14 year olds. (www.dove.com/uk/dove-self-esteem-project.html).

Human Utopia – Primary school aged courses aimed at inspiring children to be ‘their own unique selves’. (www.humanutopia.com).

Self Esteem Team– Run talks in secondary schools promoting positivity and selfesteem. (www.selfesteemteam.org).

Counselling support;

Kooth– anonymous on line counselling for secondary age young people, access to forums on relevant topics that are overseen by the Kooth team & advice and tips on staying mentally healthy (www.kooth.com).

Young Devon– Offering counselling support for secondary school aged children. (http://www.youngdevon.org).

Parental support;

Babcock LDP – Support for anxiety based school avoidance. (https://www.babcockldp.co.uk/inclusion-and-ehwb/anxiety-based-school-avoidance/support-for-parents)

Happy Maps – Website to help parents locate useful resources for behaviour and child mental health issues. (http://www.happymaps.co.uk/).

Young Minds– A charity promoting awareness of and information about mental health difficulties in young people, with on line information and resources for- young people and parents and a parent helpline. (www.youngminds.org.uk).

CAFCASS– Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service, look after the interests of children involved in family proceedings. www.cafcass.gov.uk has information for young people and parents/carers.

Bis-net Behaviour Support Service – Offering a range of workshops for parents and carers. (www.bis-net.org.uk).

Gingerbread -A charity for single parent families, running on line forums, advice and single parent groups. (www.gingerbread.org.uk).

Depression and Anxiety Service for adults– from Devon Partnership NHS Trust, including self-referral information. (www.dpt.nhs.uk/our-services/depression-andanxiety-das).

Family Lives– Parenting and family support including online resources, forums and helpline. (www.familylives.org.uk).

Devon Family Group Conference Plus Team – (previously Family Solutions Service) (https://new.devon.gov.uk/educationandfamilies/family-supportlfamily-groupconference-pIus/).

Support while on the CAMHS waiting list – (https://youngminds.org.uk/blog/where-to-look-for-support-while-youre-on-the-camhs-waiting-list/)

Teen Mental Health – A Guide for Parents – (https://www.mytutor.co.uk/blog/teen-mental-health-a-guide-for-parents/)

Helping families;

Home Start– A family support charity helping families with young children offeringbhome visits, groups, and helping families to access local services. (www.homestart.org.uk).

Families facing Homelesness;

Exeter Community. Initiatives– A charity in Exeter and Devon, helping people facing inequality, homelessness and coping on a low income. (http://www.eci.org.uk).

Families facing abuse and domestic violence support and systems;

SAFE (Stop Abuse For Everyone) – Helpful information and resources. (www.safeservices.org.uk).

SPLITZ (Devon Domestic Abuse Support Services) – A service to support families with Domestic Violence. (https://www.splitz.org/devon.html).

Child Assault Prevention UK – (www.safestrongfree.org.uk) Work to understand how to reduce children’s vulnerability to child abuse and build safer communities.

Operation Encompass – Police and Education early intervention safeguarding partnership which supports children and young people exposed to domestic abuse by reporting to schools before the start of the next school day when a child or young person has been involved or exposed to a domestic abuse incident the previous evening, in confidence to the school’s key adult. (www.operationencompass.org).

Local mental health support groups for families;

The Project– An East Devon group based early intervention support for young people, parents and carers, together working towards better mental health. (http://theprojectyp.org.uk).

Haven Exmouth – Providing groups for young people and parallel support groups for parents/carers, promoting positive ways to look after your mental health, run through the Open Door project. (http://www.opendoorexmouth.org.uk/our-projects/haven/).

Mental Health awareness/guidance, useful websites;

Young Minds – A charity promoting awareness of and information about mental health difficulties in young people, with on line information and resources for young people and parents and a parent helpline. (www.youngminds.org.uk).

Mind – Provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem, including information about mental health, guides to support services, online community and links to local Mind support. (www.mind.org.uk).

Mental Health Foundation – Information about looking after your mental health. (www.mentalhealth.org.uk).

Time to Change – Movement to end mental health discrimination. (www.time-to-change.org.uk).

Youth Mental Health First Aid Training – Helps to identify need, and when further support may be necessary. (www.mhfaengland.org).

Gender Diversity;

Stonewall & Young Stonewall – Campaigning for everyone to feel free to be who they are. (www.stonewall.org.uk I www.youngstonewall.org.uk)

LGBT Foundation – A charity providing a wide range of support services to lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people, including a helpline and email support. (https://lgbt.foundation/).

Mermaids – Support gender diversity and trans-gender children, with support and resources for young people, parents/carers and professionals. (www.mermaidsuk.org.uk).

Proud2Be – Support LGBTQIA+ people and their families; Through campaigning, delivering training, facilitating a youth project, a volunteer programme and groups and events throughout the year. (www.proud2be.co.uk).

Self esteem building activity breaks for vulnerable children;

CHICKS breaks – Free residential activity weeks for vulnerable primary age children who will not access another holiday that year, building confidence and self-esteem and giving respite from potentially challenging experiences at home. (www.chicks.org.uk).

Additional support for children with special educational needs;

Cygnet & Early Bird – training courses for parents/ carers with a child with a diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Condition. Early Bird (2-5 years) and Cygnet (5-7 years). Early Bird is run in Exeter, Cygnet is run regularly at venues across Devon. Parents need to contact the centre where their child received a diagnosis for information on how to book onto courses.

Devon Information Advice and Support for SEND (DIAS) – Impartial advice for parents around processes to support children with special educational needs, and children’s rights. (www.devonias.org.uk).

Using Autism Standards from the Autism Education Trust – supported by the Department of Education. (www.aettraininghubs.org.uk/schools/national-autismstandards/).

Drug and Alcohol support;

Together Drug and Alcohol Service – (supporting those over 18 who wish to address their drug and alcohol use; support previously given by RISE), www.edp.org.uk/together-drug-alcohol-service/

YSmart – A Devon drug and alcohol service providing individual and group support for young people. (www.y-smart.org.uk/).

Specialist support for boys/men;

Boys to Men Project – Aims to reduce the numbers of young men who become perpetrators of domestic abuse, with research and free resources on. (www.boystomenproject.com).

Support and resources for schools;

Emotional Logic – Free session from Babcock for primary and secondary schools, focusing on helping students manage feelings and move forward in their lives with strength and resilience. (www.emotionallogiccentre.org.uk)

We Eat Elephants (for Primary Schools) – Programme run in schools focussing on helping young children understand what they are feeling and helping them to deal with current issues they may be facing. (http://www.weeatelephants.com)

Thrive approach – Run across the whole school, which helps us understand the needs being signalled by our students’ behaviour, and give us targeted strategies and activities to help our students’ emotional learning. (www.thriveapproach.com).

NSPCC Pantasaurus Campaign – Keeping children safe and supporting them to ‘help seek’. https://www.nspcc.org.uk/preventing-abuse/keeping-children-safe/underwear-rule

Mentally Healthy Schools Website – From the Heads Together Campaign, including lesson plans, assembly plans, whole school resources, PSHE resources & small group work. (www.mentallyhealthyschools.org.uk)

Coach Bright – Attainment raising programmes for primary and secondary schools, run by the University of Exeter, working to enable children to become independent and resilient learners  (www.coachbright.org)

Mind Up – Sessions run in schools, with all ages participating – lesson programmes teaching activities including how the brain works in an interactive way, gratitude, mindfulness, perspective taking, including ‘brain break’ breathing exercises; for primary and up to KS.3. (www.mindup.org/uk/)

MindEd website – Free educational resource with information on children and young people’s mental health for all adults (for professionals, volunteers, parents and carers), funded by the Departments of Health & Education. (www.minded.org.uk)

Living Life to the Full (LLTTF) – For Secondary aged Students, Please contact your EH4MH Practitioner for more information or email vcleh4mh@nhs.net

Charlie Wailer Memorial Trust – Delivering talks & training to young people and those who work with them about how to stay mentally well, with resources for schools, young people and parents/ carers; resources approved by Dr Pooky Knightsmith. (www.cwmt.org.uk)

Support for those with a family member in prison;

Choices Consultancy Service – Offering support for prisoners and their families, including children & young people, centred around prisons in the south west. (http://www.choiceshelpsfamilies.org.uk)

Support for children and families with eating disorders;

BEAT Eating Disorders – Information about eating disorders, including recovery information and young people’s help lines and web chat. (www.beateatingdisorders.org.uk)

Young carer support;

Young Carers Organisation – Offering resources and support on the ground for children living with an adult who needs Mental or Physical support. https://youngcareers.org.uk/

Kids Time Foundation – Provide information, resources and support for children and young people who care for, or are affected by, a parent or sibling’s mental illness. (http://kidstimefoundation.org)

Ethnic minority support;

North Devon Sunrise Group – Support for ethnic minority groups. (www.northdevonsunrise.org)

Bereavement Services;


Winston’s Wish – Supporting children bereaved of a parent or sibling, their families and the professionals who support them, including a free phone national help line, email service and resources. (www.winstonswish.org)

Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (SOBS) – Support including; help line, email support and local support groups, with information for survivors and professionals. (www.uksobs.org)

Hospice Care – Support offered for families where a family member is terminally poorly. (www.hospiceuk.org)

South West

Jeremiah’s Journey; www.jeremiahsjourney.org.uk/ (Plymouth, and surrounding


Balloons; www.balloonscharity.co.uk/ (Exeter East and Mid).

Cruse Bereavement Care; https://www.cruse.org.uk/ (Devon Wide).

Force; www.forcecancercharity.co.uk (Exeter and East).

Children and Families in Grief; http://www.childrenandfamiliesingrief.co.uk/ (South Devon).

Internet Safety;

Common Sense Media – including family guides, parent concerns, especially on issues about media, including independent reviews, age ratings, with parent and educator sections. (www.commonsensemedia.org)

UK Safer Internet Centre – Advice for young people, parents/ carers, schools and governors. (www.saferinternet.org.uk)

NSPCC Online safety advice – In collaboration with O2, including advice, phone support and school resources and ‘net aware’, guide to social networks children and young people use. (www.nspcc.org.uk/preventing-abuse/keeping-childrensafe/onIine-safety/)

Child net International – Advice for young people, parents/ carers and schools regarding internet safety. (www.childnet.com)

Internet Matters – Helping parents keep children safe online, also with information for schools. (www.internetmatters.org)

Get Safe Online – Information for parents I carers. (www.getsafeonline.org/safeguarding-children/)

Thinkuknow – The education programme of CEOPS, aimed at empowering children and young people aged 5-17 to identify the risks they may face online and know where they can go for support. lt has information for parents/ carers. (www.thinkuknow.co.uk)

Anti-terrorism support;

Prevent (Part of the government’s anti-terrorism strategy) – Prevent is a multi-agency approach to safeguard people at risk of radicalisation, aiming to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. (http://www.preventforschools.org/)

Channel – Early intervention scheme across agencies, working to support people at risk of being drawn towards terrorism or violent extremism, by offering help to make positive choices about their lives. (https://www.ltai.info/what-is-channel/)

Mindfulness Resources;

Mental Health Foundation – Information about mental health, including looking after your mental health (www.mentalhealth.org.uk) & mindfulness site. (www.bemindful.co.uk)

Go Noodle – A website designed to help children to ‘get moving’ with in the classroom. (www.gonoodle.com)

‘Just Breathe’ – Videos for children to explain about relaxation, especially useful for primary school aged children. (www.mindfulschools.org)

Headspace – A resource full of mindfulness and relaxation sessions. (https://www.headspace.com/headspace-meditation-app)

Calm – Meditation and relaxation aid, with guided music and stories. (https://www.calm.com/)

Smiling Mind – A web and app meditation programme. (www.smilingmind.com.au)

Breathe – A website will simple self-guided mediation techniques; (https://www.stopbreathethink.com)

Mindfulness in Schools – Project and resources with research basis for using mindfulness in schools. (www.mindfulnessinschools.org)

Mind Up! – Mindfulness sessions online with lesson programmes and teaching activities, including how the brain works in an interactive way, gratitude, mindfulness, perspective taking, including ‘brain break’ breathing exercises; for primary and up to KS3. (www.mindup.org/uk/)

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Growth Mindset




















