On Armistice Day, 11th November, Tavistock College held their annual Remembrance Day service in St Eustachius. The service was conducted by the Rev Andy Barton and attended by all year 9 and year 13 students. Readings from the head and deputy head boys and girl, Jed Coiley, Amy Collacott and Jamie Brown were followed by prefects Joe Waye and Issy Stuart reading out of the names of all those from the then Tavistock Grammar School who died in the First and Second World Wars. The tribute and epitaph was given by sixth form cadet Guy Williams, while a special part was played by six bilingual students reading a poem by Siegfried Sassoon in their native languages, to commemorate the world wide nature of the wars. Sofia d’Alessio introduced the poem in Italian, Louis Taylor spoke in French, Natasha Griffiths in Greek, Alex Norgate in Russian and Norika San Juan and Alyssa Benito spoke in Tagalog. The college army and air force cadets provided an honour guard for the occasion.
The service was attended by many parents and grandparents, along with former members of staff and friends of the college. It was a particularly poignant and moving occasion and the college is very grateful to Mrs Maureen Wilkinson, of the Royal British Legion, Mr Tony Holder, who played the Last Post and Reveille, and to the Town Hall for their kind offer of hospitality after the service.