From 3pm on 20th March, Tavistock College is closed. This is to prevent the spread of the virus COVID-19, and it is part of the national plan to ensure social distancing. We will be open from 0840 to 1500 to care for our students who are children of key workers and to those who are vulnerable and in receipt of an EHCP. You will already have been contacted regarding this.
It is important to stress that every child who can stay at home absolutely must, and many parents working in key sectors may be able to ensure their child is kept at home. Every child who can be safely cared for at home should be.
Please will parents take the time to complete the survey that has been emailed to you today. This will help us plan appropriately for the forthcoming weeks.
Thank you for all your support at this extraordinary time. Work will continue to be set for children on Class Charts. The work will be checked and students will receive feedback on a weekly basis.
Reception will be staffed from 0830 to 1530 every day should you wish to contact us.